Witnessing Christ from the New Testament: Colossians - Truth in Love Ministry


Witnessing Christ from the New Testament: Colossians

Episode Summary

In this episode of Witnessing Christ from the New Testament, Jon and Molly discuss Colossians 1–4.

If ever there was a book that said, “Jesus is enough,” it would be Colossians. Paul confronts a heresy in the Colossian congregation that added to Christ, offering greater “fullness,” “perfection,” and “knowledge.” He helps the reader see how all these things are already found in Christ. Paul also unpacks the transformational new identity, new life, and new victory found in Christ.

Key Themes

  • The person of Christ and his supremacy
  • The work of Christ and its fullness
  • The weakness of law motivation
  • The power of Christ in us
  • The power of prayer in your witness

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Have you ever noticed how rules have a way of making you want something even more? For example, if someone tells me not to eat chocolate, suddenly all I can think of is where can I find some chocolate!  You know what I mean?

Now, what if you were given a taste of a food that was so good that, by comparison, made chocolate taste terrible? And what if, you were given an unending supply that never ran out? Now, that would be a way I might never eat chocolate again! 

I was thinking about that picture as I was reading Colossians this week. He repeatedly emphasizes how Christ is God’s most amazing gift to us and all of the blessings that are now ours through him. It came alive for me when it said to “continue in him, rooted and built up in him”  (2:6–7). The way to get the best God has to offer is to fill up on the best gift he’s given, Christ.

Instead of fear for what I might be missing, Christ fills us with thankfulness for everything we already have in him, like forgiveness (1:14) and peace (1:20). An overflowing heart filled with the best gifts is a heart changed from the inside that doesn’t worry about missing out on anything else. 

For the record, I’m not making any promises about chocolate; I think it’s one of those special gifts from God. But it’s got me thinking I really want to fill my heart up with Jesus and all the gifts that come with him!



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