About Truth in Love Ministry - Truth in Love Ministry

About Our Ministry

Proclaiming Christ to Mormons — Empowering Christians to Witness

With more than 35 years of experience, Truth in Love Ministry can help you start witnessing today.

Our Story

Truth in Love Ministry began in a small church in Nampa, Idaho, where Pastor Mark Cares and his congregation were deeply moved by a desire to reach their Mormon neighbors with the true gospel of Jesus Christ. Frustrated with popular witnessing strategies that often focused on debating Mormonism rather than proclaiming the gospel, they recognized the need for a new approach—one that was both relational and rooted in law and gospel.

This fresh approach was born out of a deep understanding of the common struggles Mormons face, such as worthiness, perfection, and forgiveness. By addressing these struggles with messages of hope and rest in Christ alone, doors were opened for meaningful conversations that pointed to the sufficiency of Christ’s work. For two decades, this approach has been the cornerstone of our ministry, consistently emphasizing the grace and peace found in Jesus.

Here's what we've discovered:


You don't have to be an expert.

Use our simple, relational approach.

witness to mormons group leaders icon

You don't have to do it alone.

Our training and mentoring programs are designed to take you by the hand.


You can reach souls around the world.

It's a perfect time to share Jesus with Mormons worldwide. Your gifts share digital gospel messages.


You can give and receive encouragement.

Join Christians from all around the world in our growing, online community.

What began as a small group has grown into a global movement, with thousands now dedicated to planting gospel seeds and sharing the truth in love. Over the years, more than 5,000 Christians have participated in our impactful in-person or online witnessing training, with approximately 1,000 specifically equipped to share Jesus with Mormon missionaries. Our annual At the Door mission trips have empowered over 500 participants to plant more than 20,000 gospel seeds, bringing the message of Christ to those who need it most.

Truth in Love Ministry has a twofold mission of proclaiming Christ to Mormons and empowering Christians to witness. TILM carries out its twofold mission through three ministry arms:

Across these three ministry arms, we reach nearly 50,000 homes weekly with emails delivering law and gospel content. Social media has further revolutionized our outreach, allowing Christians to share the gospel through resources like BeYePerfect.org and JesusIsEnough.org. Each seed planted represents the potential for a journey from the burdens of Mormon doctrine to the freedom and joy found in Christ alone.

God can use you, too, to rescue souls trapped in Mormonism so they are freed to trust in Christ's work alone!

Our Team

We're a group of Christians who care deeply about sharing the truth of God's infinite grace in love with our Mormon friends. Learn more about our team.


Dick Starr

Mission Advancement Counselor


Alli Pappathopoulos

Website Developer

Evangelist Interns

Calvin Arstein

JonAlden Pedersen

Charlie Ungemach

Grace Russel

Board of Directors

Gary Thoma


Warren Ehlke

Vice Chair/President

Kurt Wetzel

Pastoral Advisor

Mark Arstein

Board Member

Kurt Austad

Board Member

Mark Lange

Board Member

Denny Walters

Board Member

Tom Walters


Are you a Member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints?

We Love You!

What We Believe

Learn more about our statement of faith and the concepts we proclaim in our witnessing.

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