Witnessing Christ from the New Testament: 1 and 2 Thessalonians - Truth in Love Ministry


Witnessing Christ from the New Testament: 1 and 2 Thessalonians

Episode Summary

In this episode of Witnessing Christ from the New Testament, Mark and Molly discuss 1 and 2 Thessalonians.

1 and 2 Thessalonians, authored by the apostle Paul during his missionary journeys, provide a peek at the experiences of the early Christian church and offer insights into how believers are to navigate life with an eternal perspective. These epistles are tenderly addressed to the devout Christian community in Thessalonica, a vibrant Macedonian city. 

Paul wrote his letters to the Thessalonian believers around A.D. 50/51, likely from Corinth. After being forced to abruptly leave Thessalonica due to intense persecution (Acts 17:1-10), Paul continued instructing these new believers on how to live their lives in light of eternity. 

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In 2 Thessalonians 1:8-10, we encounter strong imagery of judgment. But within this passage lies a message of hope and salvation.

Paul speaks of those “who do not know God” and those who “do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus.” 

Obedience to the gospel means trusting in Jesus and his forgiveness, and believing that through him, we are made right before God. On the day of judgment, our safety rests on our trust in the one who fulfilled the law for us.

Our refuge on that day isn’t our efforts but our faith in Jesus Christ. Trusting in him is our hope, and it is through this trust that we find salvation and are spared from the judgment to come.



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