To Our LDS Friends - Truth in Love Ministry

To Our LDS Friends

Why a ministry to LDS?

We believe those in the LDS Church lack what is needed to live eternally with Heavenly Father.

There are dramatic differences between the teachings of the LDS Church and the Bible. Many are shocked to learn that these differences actually have eternal consequences. We would encourage you to compare the teachings of Mormonism with the Bible.

We sincerely believe that the most loving thing we can do for you is to express our grave concerns that the teachings of Mormonism are not only leading you on a path away from God, but on a path leading you to outer darkness forever.

Our Invitation

We ask you to not just take our word for it, but take God at His Word. The Bereans were praised for investigating the truth by studying the Bible (Acts 17:11). We invite you to read the Bible as if reading it for the first time through the eyes of a child. Let God simply and clearly speak to your heart.

Consider its beautiful good news message. Jesus was born for you. He lived perfectly for you. He died for you. He rose for you. Jesus is your perfect substitute. There is nothing more for you to add. Jesus is enough!

Those who trust only in the perfect work of Jesus:

  • Are enough in God's sight right now.
  • Are forgiven of all their sins right now.
  • Are perfect in Christ right now.
  • Will live eternally with Heaven Father forever!

"You that believe on the name of the Son of God know that ye have eternal life" (1 John 5:13).

This is a transformational message!

The certainty of knowing how our story ends—especially knowing it doesn't depend on us—completely transforms our lives right now. Instead of burdens, we find rest (Matthew 11:28) Instead of guilt, we discover grace and peace (1 Peter 1:2).

Is it your desire to live eternally with Heavenly Father? Would you like to better understand Jesus' words so you can receive the full assurance and confidence of his promises? That is the Good News of Jesus Christ we desire you to know. More importantly, it is a message God wants you to know.

We would encourage you to discover what God says about sin and forgiveness, worthiness and perfection, grace and Jesus, along with the certainty of God's promises and eternal life. You can learn more at

Where are you placing your hope?

Your job, your family or your good works? Heavenly Father has a better plan for you.

Why We Use "Mormon"

We sincerely love and respect you. This is why we still use the term "Mormon." 

By Jesus' perfect work as your substitute, you are rescued!

Is Perfection Even Possible?

Did Jesus really overcome sin and death for us? What does that mean? How can we be sure of our worthiness?

Frequently Asked Questions

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