Episode Summary
In this episode of Witnessing Christ from the New Testament, Jon and Molly discuss Philippians 1–4.
Many are surprised that Philippians, one of Paul’s prison letters, has a central theme of joy. Despite the crosses Paul faced, his faith in Christ brought him joy. The friendly, positive tone of this letter demonstrates the close, personal bond Paul had with the Philippians.
As we study Philippians, we’ll clarify a number of often misunderstood statements that, when God is recognized as the active agent, are understood in more profound ways.
Key Themes
- A gospel perspective
- Christ as substitute before Christ as example
- “Work out Your salvation” (2:12–13)
- Boasting in Christ
- Joy in all circumstances
- “I can do all things…” (4:13)
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Have you ever considered all the efforts people make trying to impress others? It’s amazing how many industries are focused on helping people improve their appearances!
It got me thinking. If people go to those lengths to impress other people, what lengths do people go to gain God’s favor?
I was reading in Philippians 3 about Paul’s list. He had the lineage, the ritual, the rank. Humanly speaking, he had a bragging list that would far exceed most people. What’s most shocking is, he threw it all away. He describes his efforts to gain his own righteousness as “dung.” It was repulsive.
He completely abandons his list of accomplishments and says all he needs is Jesus. He finds his “surpassing worth,” his “righteousness,” in the saving work of Christ’s death and resurrection. He said all he needs is to know Jesus and to be found in him.
I found it so refreshing, freeing even. Realizing that favor with God, something people so desperately yearn for, has already been won for us, changes everything. Instead of worrying about my own to-do list, my eyes are focused on the list he’s already checked off. No more need to impress. Jesus is enough.