Books & Media - Truth in Love Ministry

Books & Media

Resources to help you witness.

Explore our library of books and media resources.

Speaking the Truth in Love to Mormons

By Mark J. Cares

The book that launched our ministry over 20 years ago. Speaking the Truth in Love to Mormons places the gospel of Jesus Christ at the center of discussion in witnessing. It has been transformational in helping many Christians better understand Mormons and how best to reach them.


"This is the best book I've read on evangelizing to Mormons. Pastor Cares writes in a loving and non-confrontational way. Speaking the Truth in Love to Mormons has been a huge asset in my personal witnessing."



Crossing the Chasm: Helping Mormons Discover the Bridge to God

By Mark J. Cares & Jon Leach

Crossing the Chasm exposes the differences between the bridge Mormonism proposes and the biblical bridge – differences which are often obscured. Mark and Jon also offer practical tips for talking with Mormons so they too can experience the confidence of standing on Christ alone.

Crossing the Chasm is a must-read book for anyone who wants to share the good news of God's Grace with Mormons."

Ross Anderson, Author of Understanding your Mormon Neighbor & Director of Utah Advance Ministries


God—The Ultimate Humanitarian

By Mark J. Cares

God’s love is greater than anything we can imagine.

God is all powerful. He is all-knowing. He is eternal and so much more. God is truly incredible. God—The Ultimate Humanitarian considers 20 different facets of God’s amazing love for humanity. It convincingly shows that God is the ultimate humanitarian.

A companion Bible course is also available.


"God—The Ultimate Humanitarian is for anyone who wants to know the essential teachings of the Bible."


Booklet Series

Quick Reads to Help You Witness

Our booklets help equip Christians like you to share the truth in love with Mormons. This ongoing series is designed to provide Christians with curated, topical content to address some of our most frequently asked questions.

Learn more about each booklet below.

Dictionary of "Mormonese"

Sharing God's Word with Mormons

Prepared to Share: 15 Time-Tested Principles for Witnessing

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