Are Mormons Christian? - Truth in Love Ministry
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Are Mormons Christian?

Comparing the Differences between Mormonism and Biblical Christianity

Is Mormonism a Christian religion?

The Mormon (or LDS) church strenuously claims to be Christian:

“Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints unequivocally affirm themselves to be Christians”


This sentiment is echoed by members and missionaries alike.

However, claiming to be Christian doesn’t automatically make Mormonism a Christian religion. Nor does including Jesus’ name in their church name. Many other people and churches make this claim but are not recognized as Christian by traditional Christian churches.

Our ministry team has found a great willingness to engage in spiritual discussions amongst LDS members. However, although we can talk about spiritual concepts using many of the exact words, in the end, we are talking about two completely different faiths.

These differences matter because they reveal stark contrasts in our understanding of ourselves, Jesus and what he has done, and our relationship with God. These differences have an earthly and eternal impact.

So, What is a Christian?

The dictionary defines a Christian as “one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ.” Therefore, in keeping with this commonly held definition, the key to determining whether Mormonism is Christian or not is ascertaining if its teachings are the ones Jesus taught.

So, does the Mormon church teach what Jesus taught?

One of the bedrock beliefs of Christianity is that the Bible accurately conveys Jesus’ teachings. Therefore, it is the standard by which all beliefs must be evaluated.

Let’s take a look at some of the teachings of the Bible and compare them with LDS doctrine.

Free Booklet
Dictionary of "Mormonese"

Stop talking past each other. Gain a better understanding of the words that are unique to Mormonism and the differences of shared terms between Mormonism and Christianity.

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