Episode Summary
In this episode of Witnessing Christ from the New Testament, Jon and Molly discuss Acts 1–5.
This podcast episode covers the following:
- Acts 1–5
- “You will be my witnesses.”
- The Spirit’s coming at Pentecost
- Peter’s Pentecost sermon
- “In the name of Jesus”
Key concepts in this episode include:
- What is your role as a Christian witness?
- Why are repentance and the Spirit described as gifts?
- Which way are your arrows pointing? Is the Spirit an internal or external power? Does he primarily work internal or external change?
- How can we teach terms like “apostle,” “kingdom,” and “Church” from a spiritual perspective?
- What power is found in the name of Jesus?
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I was reading the beginning chapters from Acts and was shocked by how often the phrase “the name of Jesus” came up. I studied it a little more and discovered the word name can also have the connotation of authority, power, or reputation like a messenger for a king carries his name.
That helped me read these verses in completely new ways.”Repent…in the name of Jesus” (2:38) means repent by his power, not mine. Peter heals a cripple by Jesus’ authority, not his. But the one that really stood out was, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved” (4:12). There is no other reputation that can save.
So often, I become focused on my name, my authority, my power, or my reputation. What a difference it makes to think we get to stand on his name, his authority, his power, and his reputation. That has completely changed the way I see judgment day! Instead of standing on my imperfect name and reputation, I get to stand on the perfect record and reputation of Jesus as my substitute. No wonder it emphasizes the life-changing power in the name of Jesus!