Witnessing Christ from the New Testament: Matthew 28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20–21 - Truth in Love Ministry


Witnessing Christ from the New Testament: Matthew 28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20–21

Episode Summary

In this episode of Witnessing Christ from the New Testament, Mark and Molly discuss Matthew 28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20–21.

This podcast episode covers the following:

  • Resurrection Appearances
  • Post-Resurrection Appearances

Key concepts in this episode include: 

  • What unique details does this gospel writer include in his account of Jesus’ resurrection and post-resurrection appearances? Explain the significance of the inclusion of those details. 
  • What comforting messages from Jesus does this gospel writer include in his account of Jesus’ resurrection and post-resurrection appearances? Explain the significance of those comforting messages to Jesus’ disciples and us today. 
  • What important instructions from Jesus for his disciples does this gospel writer include in his account of Jesus’ resurrection and post-resurrection appearances? How did the disciples react initially and ultimately to those instructions? How do those instructions still guide modern-day disciples? 
  • What primary themes does this gospel writer explore in his account of Jesus’ resurrection and post-resurrection appearances? How were those themes important and impactful for the early disciples? How are they important and impactful for us today?
  • Which single verse in this gospel writer’s account of Jesus’ resurrection and post-resurrection appearances stood out to you the most? Why that verse? How would you explain it to someone unfamiliar with the message of Easter? 

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We may sometimes wonder about the significance of Christ’s resurrection and how it relates to us personally. Here are a couple of things to think about.

The resurrection holds profound meaning for each of us. It is the foundation of our faith and the source of our hope. Through Christ’s victory over death, sin, and the devil’s power no longer have control over us. We can be confident in the promise of eternal life.

The resurrection is not just some distant event without relevance to our lives. It is a powerful promise that extends to each one of us. Jesus’ triumph over death means that his kingdom has no end, and all who believe in him will rise again, just as he did. So, our struggles and weariness in this life are not in vain. Beyond the grave, a crown of glory awaits us.

The resurrection assures us of a glorious future homecoming with our Heavenly Father. Imagine the joy of running into his open arms, knowing we will be forever united with him, experiencing his never-ending grace. On that day, we will intimately know him and join our voices as one. Until that day comes, we continue to praise him for his unfailing grace, holding onto the hope of that glorious future.

The resurrection gives meaning to our lives. It gives us strength in the face of challenges, comfort in times of loss, and unending joy in the promise of eternal life. The resurrection assures us that there is more to come, and our future is secure in him.



Witnessing Christ Podcast

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