Share the Cure - Truth in Love Ministry


Share the Cure

If you discovered a cure for cancer, would you keep it to yourself? Of course not! You would share it with as many as possible. If you had a loved one struggling with cancer, they would be the first on your list.

Yet, when it comes to witnessing, why are friends and family often among the last we reach out to?

  1. We don’t want to admit the problem. Spouses of alcoholics are sometimes the last to address it. Parents may initially make excuses for a wayward child. Love makes us blind. It’s very painful to admit someone we care for is on a destructive path. Here, our love for them collides with God’s justice.
  2. We don’t want to disrupt the relationship. Mark Twain said, “Never discuss politics or religion in polite company.” That advice has more to do with preserving artificial harmony rather than expressing true love. If we’re afraid of making waves, we’re acting out of fear. Here, their love for us collides with God’s love.

Witnessing can actually resolve these two tensions.

If a doctor gave a clean bill of health to someone riddled with cancer that would not be love. Sharing concerns shows your love for them. Yet, we not only point to the problem of sin, but we also share the cure.

Our ultimate goal in witnessing is to point to Jesus. When our loved ones experience God’s perfect love, many discover this actually strengthens their relationship. Their love for you increases further through the bond of faith.

We are convinced that the promises of God are true and his saving love is for all. This compels us to speak. “For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all” (2 Corinthians 5:14). Love reaches out.

You have something much more powerful than the cure for cancer. It transforms the door of death into a gate of life. It’s intended for all, including your loved ones. Share the cure!

Do you know someone who needs the cure?

As you read the words above, perhaps someone came to mind. Whether you’ve tried to witness to them before or have never had even a hint of a spiritual conversation, our free Friends & Family witnessing course could help.

Friends & Family is our step-by-step, guided journey through witnessing in your most important relationships. The course explores how to prepare to witness, why gaining a deeper understanding of your friend or family member can help you share your faith and strategies for fighting fear and actually starting the conversation. The course also includes:

  • A downloadable workbook full of helpful tools to guide your witnessing conversations, along with Bible studies and worksheets to help you wrap your witnessing in prayer and Scripture
  • Our most-used resources, books and supplemental materials to help equip and empower you to start witnessing
  • Access to our private Facebook group, where you can ask questions, gain perspectives and be encouraged by others who are also witnessing to their LDS friends and family members

All of our courses are free and immediately accessible by registering here.

Article Summary

If you discovered a cure for cancer, would you keep it to yourself? Of course not! You would share it with as many as possible. If you had a loved one struggling with cancer, they would be the first on your list. Yet, when it comes to witnessing, why are friends and family often among…

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We are a Christian ministry devoted to proclaiming Christ to Mormons and empowering Christians to witness. In addition to offering time-tested training, we provide ongoing encouragement. This includes individualized support as well as websites with pages of practical tips, strategies, and witness stories.

Our Mailing Address: 1002 W. Sanetta St. • Nampa, ID 83651
Truth in Love Ministry is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Federal Tax ID #33-1100373.

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