The Importance of Prayer in Witnessing - Truth in Love Ministry


The Importance of Prayer in Witnessing

“Don’t forget to pray!”

Many parents have spoken those words. We teach our children the importance of prayer. We pray before meals, and before bedtime, and before a big game or event. We want our children to know they can turn to God in any and every situation.

We may not get frequent reminders, but prayer is still a critical part of our lives.

This is especially true in witnessing. It’s an area in which many unintentionally try to go it alone. That’s why it’s important that our witness is covered in prayer from beginning to end. Here are some examples of how to do that:

First, pray for awareness.

Ask God to help you see the opportunities he is providing. Make a list of those God is calling you to reach and pray through it every day. When those folks are on your heart, God may open your eyes to discover different ways to reach out to them.

Enlist a support team.

Invite Christian friends or family to participate through prayer. They will be blessed by joining you on this journey. Ask them to pray not only for you but for those you will reach. Pray for open hearts.

Prepare with prayer.

When you are now ready to witness, pray. This positions you to remember where the power comes from and takes the pressure off of you. As you rely on God, you will see that your next step is simply God speaking through you.

Include prayer into your witness.

This can include an internal prayer as you ask them a question to consider. Consider closing your time together by asking if you can pray for them. Most are very touched by this. This prayer shows you care and, more importantly, God cares. It also demonstrates the close personal relationship you have with the one who has the power to help.

Turn it over to God.

After you part ways, keep praying. Only the Spirit can change hearts. Pray boldly that God would work powerfully through the seeds you planted. When you do this, you can look back on every witness with joy and confidence.

Many are familiar with Paul’s description of the armor of God. A sometimes-forgotten part is how that section culminates with an emphasis on prayer.

“Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests”

Ephesians 6:18

Prayer is not an afterthought. It’s the glue that ties it all together.

You can come to him about anyone at anyplace, anytime. Prayer is an incredible power and privilege for believers.

So, stand before his throne of grace. Remind God that he wants all to be saved. Ask him to use us as his witnesses. Then return regularly, asking the Spirit to change hearts. Let prayer grace your witness from beginning to end.

As many have said before, “Don’t forget to pray!”

Article Summary

Prayer is a critical part of witnessing. It's an area many of us unintentionally try to go it alone. Here are 5 ways to be sure your witness is covered in prayer, from beginning to end.

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We are a Christian ministry devoted to proclaiming Christ to Mormons and empowering Christians to witness. In addition to offering time-tested training, we provide ongoing encouragement. This includes individualized support as well as websites with pages of practical tips, strategies, and witness stories.

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