One of the most widely quoted Bible verses in Mormonism comes from Matthew 5:48:
“Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”
Although the LDS church has watered down its emphasis on perfection in recent years, many Mormons still struggle mightily with trying to be perfect. This message remains at the heart and core of Mormonism. It is just being clothed in softer terms like becoming perfect someday.
We have developed a website,, specifically for our LDS friends. It shares biblical teachings in a non-confrontational way and also serves as a resource for Christian witnesses.
This Site Reflects The Foundational Principles Of Our Approach
We focus on topics that cause stress for Mormons such as:
- being worthy
- the forgiveness of sins
- the assurance of living eternally with God
We explore each in depth, examining them from various angles. What we don’t do is address the long list of LDS teachings that irritate Christians. Over the years, we have discovered that most Mormons aren’t bothered by them. In many cases they cherish those teachings. Therefore, most aren’t interested in what we have to say about them. But their ears often perk up when we talk about being worthy, forgiven, and being assured that we will live forever with God.
“Their ears often perk up when we talk about matters Mormons are uncertain of.”
Related to this principle of focusing on topics which cause Mormons stress is another of our foundational principles: namely, zeroing in on the two major biblical topics of God’s wrath over sin and then how he appeased his own wrath by the sacrifice of his own Son.
On the site, we take a close look at Matthew 5:48 and show how it demands perfection right now. We delve into our inability to quit sinning and explore the many different ways people sin. But we also spotlight God’s wonderful love in giving us salvation itself rather than a plan of salvation that we must work. Jesus’ role as mankind’s substitute is highlighted: his role in not only paying the price for our sin but also in his keeping the commandments perfectly for us. We repeatedly stress that the only way anybody can meet God’s standard of perfection is by making Christ’s perfection their own.
Another One Of Our Foundational Principles Is Speaking “Mormonese”
Christians and Mormons frequently find themselves talking past each other because Mormonism defines most biblical terms quite differently. Our site recognizes that fact. We go to great lengths to not only define words but also to subtly contrast them with LDS definitions.
One simple example: an essential element in the LDS definition of repentance is abandoning the sin. As we talk about repentance, we define it as abandoning trust in oneself and trusting completely in Jesus’ works. We further state that this is essential because nobody can abandon sin. (If you haven’t yet looked at our Dictionary of Mormonese, take some time to check it out.)
This site rests on God’s promise that his Word is so powerful that it will not return to him empty but will accomplish what he desires. It is built not on a framework of arguments from reason but one of Bible verses. It is our prayer that it brings many Mormons into contact with God’s powerful word thus allowing the Holy Spirit opportunity to work in their hearts.
Take some time to visit the site and read some of the articles. You can also find BeYePerfect on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Consider ways you can share these resources with your LDS friends. It’s just another way you can speak the truth in love.
Yes indeed, truth in love is an inspired Ministry.
God keep blessing you so much more.