Truth in Love Ministry Store
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Tract Bundle: All 4 Tracts together
All four of our witnessing tracts together in one bundle.
"What did Jesus say?": A quiz to help you start conversations as you witness.
"What does the Bible say?": This tract tackles the definitions of the key biblical terms, Sin, Grace, Faith and Works.
"The best God has to give." This tract is designed as a guide to prompt non-confrontational conversations using the question, "What does it take to get the best that God has to give?"
"What if Jesus is enough?" Our missionaries in Utah used this tract to draw distinctions between Mormonism and biblical Christians in clear ways.
You can use this tool and ask, "If there was a way to have assurance, would you want to know?" Then flip it over and share the certainty you have knowing that Jesus checked all the boxes for you. Jesus is enough.