Proclaiming Partners - Truth in Love Ministry

Proclaiming Partners

Make a lifetime impact for the gospel.

Our program for supporters who have given $15,000 or more in their lifetime through stock or cash gifts, or individuals who have remembered Truth in Love Ministry in their will or through planned giving.

How could your gift make an impact?

Become a Proclaiming Partner

Proclaiming Partners stand out. This exclusive group of mission-minded Christians have made a significant impact on outreach in the Kingdom. They support:

Victims of Mormonism

These people desperately want a relationship with God, but often don’t believe they’re good enough to be loved. You are helping them to see God’s love is already theirs in Jesus.

Loved ones of Mormons

Family members need support as they witness in high-risk relationships. You guide them on varied ways to share the message of God’s love with patience and love.

Christians who want to witness

Many want to witness, but they don’t know where to start. You are giving them courage and confidence to share their faith with ANYONE.

“We take our faith for granted. After seeing the hopelessness some people have, I now have a greater appreciation for the hope I have in Jesus.

I want to reflect that joy regularly.”



Who can become a Proclaiming Partner?

$15,000 or More Lifetime Giving

Impact Gift

The only thing we can take with us to heaven is other souls. Gifts of stock can make a great option for some. This can allow you to make an impact and reach the lost and may help you avoid additional taxes.

Individuals who have given $15,000 or more in their lifetime through stock or cash gifts are Proclaiming Partners.

Planned Giving

Legacy Gift

Reach people for heaven from heaven. Individuals who have remembered Truth in Love Ministry as a beneficiary in their will, as a primary beneficiary of life insurance, or with an annuity or other type of planned gift are Proclaiming Partners.

Proclaiming Partners,

In Appreciation for your Ongoing support, you'll receive:

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A special gift and letter welcoming you as a Proclaiming Partner.

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Access to exclusive videos sharing stories of the lives you’re impacting.

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Special updates on ministry activity and progress towards our goals.

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A surprise end-of-the-year souvenir and review of the impact of your gift.

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A personal call from pastoral staff on a day of your choice.

Take the Next Step

Contact Danee Haro at or 208-481-4718 to learn more.

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