Episode Summary
In this episode of Witnessing Christ from the New Testament, Mark and Molly discuss Matthew 13 and Luke 8 and 13.
This podcast episode covers the following:
- Matthew 13:24–52
- The Parable of the Weeds
- The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl
- The Parable of the Net
- Luke 13:1–35
- Jesus Responds to a Question about Judgment
- The Parable of the Fig Tree
- The Narrow Door
- Jesus’ Sorrow over Jerusalem
This episode does NOT cover stories that have been discussed in previous episodes, including:
- Matthew 13:1–23; Luke 8:1–13
- The Parable of the Seed/Sower
- The Parable of the Seed/Sower Explained
- Luke 8:16–56
- A Lamp on a Stand
- Jesus’ Mother and Brothers
- Jesus Calms the Storm
- The Healing of the Demon-possessed Man
- Jairus’ Daughter
- The Bleeding Woman
Key concepts in this episode include:
- What is the kingdom of God like?
- What does judgment look like in the kingdom of God?
- Why does God allow believers and unbelievers to exist together?
- Why is repentance so important when it comes to judgment?
- Who is the active agent in most parables?
- What is the narrow door, and how does one enter through it?
Links & Resources
- Share this podcast with your Christian friends and subscribe on your favorite podcasting platform!
- Read Bradley Gray’s article, Lost & Found: The Purpose of Jesus’ Parables, to see his commentary on the parables.
- If you have not yet registered for the Truth in Love Online Community, enroll now to gain access to all of our courses, resources, and more.
- Click here to download a Bible Study outline to share with your Mormon friends, family, and missionaries.
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In the past, I missed the point of the Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl. I made myself the main character. But, like the rest of the Scriptures, the main character is not me.
Bradley Gray explains this parable clearly. “The point is not the treasure. The point is the Person who finds the treasure. We once were lost, now we’re found because God’s only begotten Son went all the way to find us. And that’s the best news I’ve ever heard.”