Episode Summary
In this episode of Witnessing Christ from the New Testament, Mark and Molly discuss Matthew 21–28. This week’s readings cover the entirety of Holy Week from the Gospel of Matthew 21:6–28:10 with supplementary readings from Luke 24:13–35; John 20:19–29; 1 Corinthians 15:1–8, 55; and 1 Peter 1:3–11. As you read these accounts, focus on what Jesus says and does as the one who would make man right with God. These readings will all come up again in May.
This podcast episode covers the following:
- Palm Sunday: Triumphal entry into Jerusalem (Matthew 21:6–11)
- Cleansing Monday: Cleansing the temple (Matthew 21:12–16)
- Teaching Tuesday: Teaching in Jerusalem (Matthew 21:17–23:39)
- Teaching Wednesday: Continued teaching (Matthew 24:1–25:46)
- Maundy Thursday: The Passover and Jesus prays in Gethsemane (Matthew 26:1–75)
- Good Friday: Trial, crucifixion, and burial (Matthew 27:1–61)
- Holy Saturday: Christ’s body lies in the tomb (Matthew 27:62–66)
- Easter Sunday: Christ’s resurrection and appearance to his disciples (Matthew 28:1–10)
Key concepts in this episode include:
- What does Holy Week show and tell us about Jesus?
- How can we use Jesus’ conversations with the religious leaders in our conversations?
- What does the atonement do for us?
- What happened on the cross?
- What are the blessings of the resurrection?
Links & Resources
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- Read through and share an article on the Parables from Jesus. Choose from the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats, the Parable of the Ten Virgins, or the Parable of the Talents.
- Find the LDS understanding of the “atonement” in Truth in Love Ministry’s digital Dictionary of Mormonese.
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- Click here to download a Bible Study outline to share with your Mormon friends, family, and missionaries.
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Don’t rush from Gethsemane to the empty tomb.
The cross is messy. It’s uncomfortable to acknowledge what brought Jesus to the cross on that Good Friday. Jesus went to the cross to do what we never could. He took sin on himself and became sin for us. He is the perfect lamb slain for the sins of the world. Instead of glossing over the cross, dwell on the truth that Good Friday displays.
Jesus fully paid for every one of your sins. He marked your debt of sin “paid in full.” Jesus didn’t just make it possible for your debt to be forgiven. Neither did he ask you to pay him back. He didn’t tell you to do anything. Instead, he said, “It is finished.” It’s a done deal.
Then, on Easter, stand in awe of the empty tomb, where God vividly demonstrated that he had accepted Jesus’ payment by raising him from the dead. Jesus’ resurrection is God’s receipt to you—it is confirmation that Christ has paid your debt in full and has power over sin and death. Because of Jesus’ resurrection, you can be confident that you will live eternally with Heavenly Father.
Rejoice that Jesus suffered on Friday to become victorious on Sunday!