Episode Summary
In this episode of Witnessing Christ from the New Testament, Jon and Casey discuss Matthew 14, Mark 6, and John 5–6.
This podcast episode covers the following:
- Matthew 14:1–36
- John the Baptist Beheaded
- Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
- Jesus Walks on Water
- Mark 6
- A Prophet Without Honor
- Jesus Sends Out the Twelve
- John the Baptist Beheaded
- Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
- Jesus Walks on Water
- John 5:1–46, 6:1–71
- The Healing at the Pool
- The Authority of the Son
- Testimonies About Jesus
- Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
- Jesus Walks on Water
- Jesus the Bread of Life
- Many Disciples Desert Jesus
Key concepts in this episode include:
- What is the relationship between Jesus and God the Father?
- What is Jesus teaching in the feeding of the five thousand?
- How is Jesus the “Bread of Life”?
- Why did Peter sink in the water?
- What can we learn about Jesus being rejected in his hometown?
- Where do you turn?
Links & Resources
- Share this podcast with your Christian friends and subscribe on your favorite podcasting platform!
- Read the Be Ye Perfect article “You Have Direct Access to God” to prepare for your conversation about having access to Heavenly Father.
- Download “Where to Turn” from beyeperfect.org and share it with your LDS friend during your next witnessing conversation.
- If you have not yet registered for the Truth in Love Online Community, enroll now to gain access to all of our courses, resources, and more.
- Click here to download a Bible Study outline to share with your Mormon friends, family, and missionaries.
Share the Truth in Love
Share this conversation starter with your LDS friend:
Are you tired? Does eternal life seem so far out of reach? No matter how hard you try, you still make mistakes. How will you ever know if you’ll be enough?
John 6:47 says, “Very truly I tell you, the one who believes has eternal life.” Jesus didn’t say, “the one who believes and does their very best,” “the one who believes that I can help them,” or “the one who keeps the commandments.” Jesus simply describes the inheritors of eternal life as those who believe in him. That’s it.
Everyone who takes Jesus at his word and trusts that he gave his life as a ransom for them has eternal life RIGHT NOW! There are no further requirements. Rest in his promise that we can live in God’s presence right now and for all eternity.