Episode Summary
In this episode of the Witness in Christ Podcast, we share a sermon from Pastor Mark Parsons based on Luke 15—the story of the Prodigal Son or the Two Lost Sons. This message will be a central focus for our 2025 At the Door mission trips in Gilbert, Arizona, and Idaho Falls, Idaho, as we train Christian witnesses to share this impactful parable with Mormon friends and neighbors.
The sermon explores the profound love of the Father, who reaches out to two kinds of lost people: those who reject God outright and indulge in sin (like the younger son) and those who strive to earn his favor through self-righteousness (like the elder son). Both groups desperately need to hear the truth that eternal life with God is not earned but received as a gift through Jesus Christ.
Listeners will learn how this story uniquely addresses the struggles of our Mormon friends—whether they are weary from trying to earn perfection or despairing after abandoning God’s standards. With insights into Mormon theology, practical witnessing tips, and a focus on the transformative power of grace, this episode equips Christians to lovingly invite others to experience the Father’s embrace through Jesus’s finished work.
Key Takeaway: Whether weary wanderers or self-righteous workers, God calls all his lost children to come home through his Son.
Links & Resources
- Here is a link to the image Pastor Mark references towards the end of the sermon.
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