Giving - Truth in Love Ministry


Help Mormons Discover the Freedom Found in Christ Alone.

Your generous donation provides support in two crucial areas: helping Mormons recognize the complete sufficiency of Christ for eternity and empowering Christians to effectively witness this truth.

By partnering with us, you contribute to a mission that not only guides Mormons towards the freedom found in Christ alone but also strengthens believers in sharing this liberating message. Your contribution enables us to create resources, provide training, and conduct outreach that clearly communicates the sufficiency of Christ's grace. Join us in this vital endeavor.

Your support truly makes an eternal, life-changing difference in bringing the true gospel to Mormons and equipping Christians for meaningful witness.

Thank you for your support.

Your Support Makes All this Possible

  • 5-Pillars-Icons-04

    37,000+ Christians empowered to witness

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    2,600+ witnessing books distributed

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    6,500+ students enrolled in online training

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    People in 170+ countries impacted by our witnessing approach

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    Millions of gospel messages shared every year

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